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Monday, July 14, 2008



White Belt (10th Geup)
The color white indicates that a person is "innocent", has no knowledge of Taekwondo. The white-belt is automatically gained by taking Taekwondo classes.
Yellow Belt (8th Geup)
The color yellow indicates that the person is getting to know the basic techniques, this stadium is compared to a plant growing its roots.
The student going for yellow-belt is usually not skilled enough to show "Chayu daeryon" (non-contact sparring). Instead the student has to show "Sajoe" ("four-direction-movement", one specific technique shown to all directions).
Green Belt (6th Geup)
The color green indicates that a student is growing as a Taekwondo student. The color of the belt is compared to a plant growing its leafs.
Blue Belt (4th Geup)
The color blue indicates that a student is reaching higher, like a plant that is growing towards the sky.
Red Belt (2nd Geup)
The color red indicates danger. The student is warned to practice the control of his/her movements. The color red also warns an opponent.
W.T.F. Taekwondo requires that one has to be 16 years old to get a black belt. If younger, you get a Poom, which can be replaced by a black-belt when passed the age of 16. The requirements are the same as for the black-belt.
Black Belt (1st dan)
Black is the opposite of white and means the maturity of the student in the art. It also is an indication of being impenetrable for fear and darkness

不只从何说起,我对跆拳道有种特别的感觉。它让我知道我的存在。原来我是那么厉害的。刚开始,我还以为只是一些无聊动作。学了以后才知道深不可彻。single punch, double punch,side kick,front kick,choping kick,backtras,reverse turning kick,turning kick,540 degree turning kick,720 degree turning我最有兴趣的是sparing。 学到的技巧及腿法打在对手上,真的觉得自己是那么厉害。尤其是我中5时,什么学长团,乐队的压力,统统都抛到脑后,把那些压力打在对手上,真的自己都松了。上跆拳道课是我最兴趣的一刻,我会穿上道服戴着腰带精神奕奕的去上课。练习时把目标重重的踢过去。'pak'的声音,把自己带到忘我的状态,把不可能做到的动作及腿法发挥出来。可能是哥哥是跆拳道黑带3段,空手道高手的关系,我对跆拳道非常感兴趣。是你把我带到忘我境界,把不可能的做到可能。

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